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Hello everyone,


My name is Natanny Simoes and I’m the owner of N&A Pro Cleaning. With some years of experience, I’m committed to meeting all the requests of our customers in the best possible way.


In this pandemic of COVID-19, we adapt for the safety of everyone, so we work with gloves, masks and some special disinfectant produts.


We try to work with agility, but without losing the quality of the service. My mission is to see my customers satisfied.

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Natanny Simoes founded N&A Pro Cleaning in 2019, with the intention of helping families have more time by providing exceptional work.


After working for years in a few companies she decided to start her own business, providing a personalized, superior and more flexible service. Her mission was to offer a service superior to anything that had been seen, being today its main quality.


By virtue of their personalized service and high level of quality, N&A Pro Cleaning is highly rated with 5 stars in service applications and being able to offer referrals.


We look forward to helping your family and maintaining a professional relationship for years to come.

A sunny Sunday morning walk, playing sports or meeting friends can become weekly activities instead of few monthly moments.
N&A Pro Cleaning is committed to improving the quality of life of families and businesses and, for this reason, we offer you a wide range of services, always adapted to your needs.

One of our key services is domestic cleaning, for the benefits and convenience in any home. Despite this, some people are still not aware of the benefits of home maintenance support. If you are one of them, and want to discover all the advantages, stay here!


Hiring a cleaning service can be the key to enjoying every moment of your life and regaining the happiness you were looking for with your family and friends.


The decision to tidy up or change the organization of the house will be easier and more natural. If you work from home, it will also increase productivity if everything is put in its place.

Opportunity cost

Opportunity cost is not a monetary cost as we imagine. This is an economic concept. It's how much it costs us not to perform another task, considering all the hours spent doing housework and that we should think about what is most valuable to you. Is it the employee's salary or the hours you dedicates to work and could invest, for example, in leisure?


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 2.7% of illnesses are caused by poor indoor air quality. Hygiene at home is essential to prevent allergies or more complicated illnesses, especially in sensitive people who suffer from respiratory or skin conditions.


After a hard day's work, there's nothing like going home and relaxing without having to put on gloves and an apron and start cleaning. Relax and enjoy every day, as it's really easy to have support with housework.


Enjoy a pleasant, peaceful, unhampered environment surrounded by simplicities such as memories of your family or objects that create a beautiful vision and help to generate a more positive environment for life, giving your mind a boost and motivating you to the challenges of the future.


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